Today is my 26th birthday. It's hard for me to wrap my head around the fact that I've now lived for more than a quarter of a century. I thought it would be fun to take some time and reflect on some of the greatest lessons I've learned so far in my life!
This list is in no particular order, and I'm sure I missed some big ones, but I hope some of these lessons are helpful for you--no matter where you are in your journey. There are many people that are much wiser than I am that have helped me learn these lessons. God has blessed me abundantly and I can't take any credit. So, here we go:
- Love God and love people. Without love, we have nothing.
- Marry your best friend! Haley has made my life unimaginably better.
- Smile and laugh as much as you can, and spend time around people that make you laugh and smile.
- Most arguments aren’t worth it. Admit when you are wrong and offer a sincere apology.
- The grass is greener where you water it. Most of what we see from other people are highlight reel clips. Don’t get caught up in comparison.
- Whatever makes you weird can also make you wonderful.
- If you aren’t taking risks, I’m not sure if you are fully living.
- Make your biggest investments in eternity. It is foolish to value most what I can hold onto least.
- Take any opportunity you can to celebrate! Side note - celebrating the success of others does not diminish your own success.
- There is a beginning and an end to most seasons of life. Savor them while they last.
- It is so important to regularly take inventory of your life. This quote stuck with me: “find a way to regularly interrogate your reality”.
- Complaints and excuses get you nowhere. As Andy Mineo said: “Make moves don’t make excuses”.
- You’ll never be fully prepared to do something. Trust God and take the leap!
- If you’re lucky enough to have a family, love them with all you’ve got!
- If your life isn’t built on Jesus, a storm will destroy you. If it is, you’ll grow closer to Jesus through the storm.
- Coach Gould always said: “It takes what it takes.” There will always be people that are more talented than you. You have to be willing to show up and do the work.
- Stand up for truth in a world that’s desperately in need of it.
- You can add value to any room you are in by being present, acting respectfully, listening well, and engaging with those around you.
- It costs nothing to encourage someone.
- Regularly tell people that you are thankful for them.
- If your motives aren’t pure, everyone will see right through you. Nobody likes a phony.
- Play the long game. It’s all about developing character. Talent and skill fade but character grows stronger with time.
- When you see a veteran, shake their hand, look them in the eye, and thank them for their service.
- Fall in love with God’s Word and pray as much as possible. A.W Tozer said: “The most important thing about you is what you think about when you think about God.”
- 10 lepers were healed but only one came back to thank Jesus for healing him. Be like the one leper that is thankful. If someone does something for you, be sure to thank them.
As I begin year 26, here is my bonus thought for the year ahead:
Your importance is not measured by how much you do, but by how much of what you do that matters.
It's all for God's glory. Don't get distracted. Stick to the mission.
Cheering you on,
Josh Lane
BTW - I wrote a book! Get a copy here
Happy Birthday Josh, Keep running down the path that God is leading you on and the world will follow. God bless you and the family. Angel Sr.
Happy Birthday!!!
Some great truths !!!
Hope you have a blessed day and y’all have a great thanksgiving!